Digital Marketing

10 Tips For A Successful Website

Have you ever thought about the secret behind the success of most of the famous sites? Do you ask yourself these questions? Why do they get so many clicks? Why they are making so much money and I am not? Why do only a few websites succeed and most of the others fail? Just stop questioning and start reading.

Here I am gonna give you some of the top tips that successful websites use.

  1. Does your website attract the customer’s attention immediately? If not, it should. Listen this is the truth, nobody’s gonna find information on your website, nobody has that much time. You got to give the information to them, I mean fast. Don’t expect that your customer will fool around on your website for hours, looking at every nook and corner of your website. They will leave your site in no time. Remember there are millions of service providers like you. Give them clean links. Just one click and straight to business. Also, minimize the loading time of your website. Try to avoid graphics, flash animation, pictures etc. Believe me, people hate that.
  2. Ok, now think about the kind of customers you are targeting. Build your website according to the type of customers you will receive. If your website is for professionals, make the site more professional. If your website is targeting young teenagers, make the site more informal and relaxed. Try to reflect the customers’ choices.
  3. Focus on your website. Make sure you are not offering different products or services on the same page. That will confuse your customer. Dedicate a separate page for each of your products. If you want to advertise your other products also, do it subtly.
  4. Your credibility is very important. Having a great-looking website will not help you if you are unable to build trust in your customers. The anonymity of the internet certainly creates a little mistrust. In order to make your product sell first try to build trust in your customers. Give them the correct information, your address, e-mail and phone number at least. A clear privacy statement is a good tool for establishing credibility. Give a link to your privacy statement on every page of your website.
  5. Offer a money-back guarantee on your website. Give them the control of whether they want to keep the product or not. This will build trust in your customers.
  6. Make money transactions on your site easier. Make the process as short as possible. Don’t ask for information that is not very important. At any time don’t let them feel that you are invading their privacy. Give all possible types of payment modes. Also, provide the mailing addresses for customers who would like to pay or contact via mail.
  7. Make the navigation of your website as simple as possible. Every page of your website should be reachable from every other page.
  8. The website should look consistent in look and feel. Do not alter the design of the site from page to page.
  9. Keep in mind that most of the customers will find your website from search engines. So design pages that will give you a high rank. Include important keywords as many as possible without sacrificing your sales message. Use meta tags and description tags to the full. Give keywords as names to different web pages of your website while linking.
  10. Last but the most important one, give quality content. Provide good content so that people visit your site again and again.

Ask your web developer for more suggestions. And I would like to say that follow his suggestions as much as possible. Expert advice is always beneficial.

— Ganesh Naaik
(Online Business Growth Strategist)

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